Saturday, May 24, 2008

What an honor! I was invited to address the first graduating class from Bridges Academy. They are all brilliant - I had a great time......


Anonymous said...

I have never managed to meet my parents expectations and would have mentally died long ago if I had continued trying - your idea assumes that parents spend time thinking about the uniqueness of their children, surely - not all parents do, even when they love their kids and provide well physically for them IMHO

Nancy said...

Thank you for your comment. You are absolutely right - not all parents do think about (nor appreciate) the uniqueness of their children. Expectations can be a burden as well as appreciation of uniqueness. It depends on who we allow to determine our success. I want to be sure my appreciation for the differences in my children is recognized by my children. My hope for my "Camp Sparky Journals" is that when I am gone, more time will be spent dividing up the journals than dividing up the money. For me, that will be a great measure of success.

Manuel Sinister said...

I just now received the link to this blog, sorry for such a delay. Your speech at my graduation was absolutely wonderful, touching and funny, a difficult line to walk... I want to thank you for coming to speak, it meant a great deal to me to have you there...

-Brandon Bugner